Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Natural Exfoliating Facial Massage Konjac Sponge, by Milagrous Beauty

This sponge is very strange! I got mine via to review, and I was super excited because I've always wanted to try a konjac sponge--- but, I've always chickened out because I'm weirded out by new things sometimes. Anyhow, this sponge is ridiculously hard and feel super weird while it's dry. Almost like styrofoam... I was hesitant to use it for fear it would hurt! Surprisingly, when it gets wet, it softens and has a rather pleasant texture!!! I used it with my favorite face wash, and I feel that it did an excellent job at not only exfoliating my face, but it also cleaned my skin extremely well! I am very satisfied with this experience, and will most definitely be purchasing more sponges like this in the future! I will also be including them in my holiday gift baskets! 

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